CHRISTMAS IS ALREADY HERE     (C)J.Birch 2000.    Christmas carol



          Santa  Oh Santa

          Can you come for the winter ?

          Can you bring me a computer ?

          Can you bring me a printer ?


          We'll have a good time

          We will all sing

          If Santa  Oh Santa

          You're not just a December thing


          Santa  Oh Santa

          Can you come for the spring ?

          Can you bring your  friend Rudolph ?

          Can you bring your  friend Bing ?


          We'll have a good time

          We will all sing

          If Santa  Oh Santa

          You're not just a December thing


          Santa  Oh Santa

          Can you come for the summer ?

          Can you bring me a guitar ?

          Can you bring me a strummer ?


          We'll have a good time

          We will all sing

          If Santa  Oh Santa

          You're not just a December thing


          Santa  Oh Santa

          Can you come for the fall ?

          Can you bring me your carols ?

          Make the snow fall ?


          We'll have a good time

          We will all sing

          If Santa  Oh Santa

          You're not just a December thing


          So Santa  He came

          He came all the year

          And don't you know that right now

          Christmas... is already here.















          HOME I WILL GO           (C) J.BIRCH 1997.


          When -- the  -- toothpaste on ther mirror

          Makes you look like Santa Claus

          & the jingles in your head

          Are jingle bells of coarse


          It could be Christmas

          & although there's never snow

          It's better there , it's better there

          So home I will go


          Well) I received

          A card today

          Via Australia Post


          From a man

          Not far away

          That I thought was a hoax


          It said Merry Christmas

          From all of us in Aus

          Guess you know who it was from

          A guy called ' Santa Claus'


          When the toothpaste on the mirror

          Makes you look like Santa Claus

          & the jingles in your head

          Are jingle bells of coarse


          When the telephone jingles off the wall

          With merry Christmas calls


          It should be Christmas

          & although there's never snow

          Its better there  , its better there

          So home I will go




          Last verse (x1)