Mick Molloy - Drugs


Triple M

When I released my Monkey album. Triple M stole my Monkey album. Did you know a Triple M Disc Jockey sings my Monkey song?

A radio station can earn money from an album by trashing that album. They get more customers when they tell a good story. More customers mean more ads. More customers mean more money for that radio station. What would they care about the artist? They don’t. Triple M are a radio station. They do as they please.

I was paid NOTHING. I worked on the Monkey album for ten years.

Did you know the Monkey song was not written about a drug? Did you know the XTC song says ‘you don’t need XTC to be really free’ ten times in that song? As I said, did you know a Triple M Disc Jockey sings my Monkey song?


Did you know, Triple M plays sport, half their time, for years now? Not songs. Sport.

What is a Private Broadcast Triple M? Is it a broadcast that only goes to one radio?


As I said, Triple M stole my Monkey album. Some TV also took part. Some rock and roll band stars also took part.


That’s how they get money from Michael Jackson?

